
CómousarBixbyHome.EncuentraayudasobreAplicacionesyAccesoriosparatuSamsungGalaxyS10Plusconnuestrostutorialespasoapaso.,BixbyHomeisavoiceassistantthatworkswithyourfavoriteappsandservicestohelpyougetmoredone.Youcanaddappsandconfigureappsettingsto ...,Hilfe-VideofürSamsungMobilgeräte.Erfahrehier,wieduBixbyHomemitdemGalaxyS10Smartphoneverwendest.,2023年9月21日—YouwillfirsthavetodisableBixbyHomebefo...

Aplicaciones y Accesorios Cómo usar Bixby Home

Cómo usar Bixby Home. Encuentra ayuda sobre Aplicaciones y Accesorios para tu Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus con nuestros tutoriales paso a paso.

Apps & Accessories How to use Bixby Home

Bixby Home is a voice assistant that works with your favorite apps and services to help you get more done. You can add apps and configure app settings to ...

Galaxy S10

Hilfe-Video für Samsung Mobilgeräte. Erfahre hier, wie du Bixby Home mit dem Galaxy S10 Smartphone verwendest.

How to disable Bixby on the Samsung Galaxy S10

2023年9月21日 — You will first have to disable Bixby Home before you can start working on Bixby itself. You'll then be able to go to Settings and tap on Double ...

How to Disable Bixby on Your Samsung Phone

Turn Off Bixby on the Galaxy S8/S9/S10 With Android 9 or 10 · Press and hold on your home screen · Swipe left · Toggle off Bixby Home.

What is Samsung Bixby & how to use the app service

Samsung Bixby is a virtual assistant that makes it easier to use your Galaxy phone. Learn how to use it with our easy guide and instructions.

請問S10 如何關閉"Hi, Bixby",非Bixby Home

2019年9月13日 — 之前因為好玩,S10 喚醒隨時說Hi, Bixby 即啟動Bixby 語音助理即使螢幕是鎖定黑著關閉也有效,意味著隨時都在錄聲音掃描指令上網查都是如何關閉主 ...